#DesiBooks10QA with Torsa Ghosal
On how the literary imagination influences thought and perception.
Torsa Ghosal on High Theory Podcast
Torsa Ghosal talks about Cognitive Cultural Studies, a field that entails methodologies that situate the human mind in historical and cultural contexts, sometimes working against models of the mind proceeding from the Cognitive Sciences. This includes inquiries into how narratives mediate knowledge about cognition, the subject of her new book Out of Mind: Mode, Mediation, and Cognition in Twenty-First Century Narrative.

Torsa Ghosal on The Academic Minute (WAMC/NPR)
Torsa Ghosal, assistant professor of English at California State University, Sacramento, examines why forgetting may be a good thing from time to time.
Narrative for Social Justice Podcast
The Narrative for Social Justice podcast (N4SJ) explores the connections between the study of narratives–and narratives themselves–and many forms of social justice. Episodes will be released monthly and will feature conversations between scholars, activists, writers, and artists. Topics include our/our guests’ understandings of and approaches to “social justice,” the literary canon, feminist/queer/trans approaches, and anti-racist education.
Torsa Ghosal on Who’s Afraid of the Humanities
On stories, digital modalities and attention economy in the twenty-first-century

A Roundtable on the publication of The Oxford Handbook of Comic Book Studies
Oxford University Press published The Oxford Handbook of Comic Book Studies, which brings together 38 in-depth chapters on a field that has only recently begun to establish itself in colleges and universities